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EIGHT STEP | Signature Collection


EIGHT STEP | Signature Collection


EIGHT STEP | Signature Collection

Sale Price:$299.00 Original Price:$598.00

Buy the entire 8 Step Collection and get a second 8 Step Collection FREE

Click below on the tab that says “Choose 2nd FREE item” and then click on the second 8 step collection that you will get FREE from the drop down menu.

  1. Once you choose 2nd FREE collection, you will click add to cart.

    IMPORTANT: (your second free item will appear in your cart in very small writing below the item EIGHT STEP | Signature Collection). These 2 items will show up in your cart as a quantity of 1. You do not need to change the quantity to get your 2nd FREE collection.

  2. You can buy as many other products as you want and get more items FREE.

  3. When you’re done shopping, You will click on your cart that appears as a little white bar at the top right of your screen

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